Financial Advisor in Orange, CA

As an experienced professional, I will walk with you every step of the way.

Protection planning

I am a firm believer in adequate Life Insurance and Long Term Care coverage.

One unfortunate occurrence can spell financial catastrophe, tearing down the financial security many have spent a lifetime building. Often, loss is not all at once. Assets could be depleted slowly over time due to an illness, a disability, or even a long-term care need, leaving a healthy spouse without the funds they need to live. Consequently, insurance becomes a critical tool to protect and preserve one's financial well-being. Cost effectively transferring risk to the deeper pockets of an insurance company is a very intelligent move for many, and will minimize the financial damage of a catastrophic or unanticipated life event.

Protection Icon Financial Advisor Irvine California
Protect against the loss of income as a result of a death or disability.
Protection Icon Financial Advisor Irvine California
Provide an alternative investment asset class that seeks more-predictable outcomes than other asset classes.
Protection Icon Financial Advisor Irvine California
Provide for the payment of potentially crippling (financially) medical and skilled care expenses as a result of an illness, an accident or mental incapacity.
Protection Icon Financial Advisor Irvine California
Fund the orderly transition of ownership of a business in the event of loss of a major shareholder/owner.
Protection Icon Financial Advisor Irvine California
Fulfill a family's charitable inclinations in an economically efficient way.
Protection Icon Financial Advisor Irvine California
Provide needed liquid funds to pay estate taxes, rather than having to sell assets a family would rather keep (e.g., a business, a family home, collectibles, etc.).

Life Insurance can provide benefits while you are still alive.

What if a massive health issue occurs to you and you are still alive but have been financially crippled due to an inability to work and/or boggled down with massive medical bills?
Accelerated Benefit Riders are an added enhancement included with some  Insurance Policies that enable the policy owner to receive a prorated percentage of the their policy death benefit. These additional benefits enable the policy holder to receive monetary compensation should certain "life Health Event" occur. Some insurance companies differ on how much cash can be pulled out and how close to death the insured has to be in order to receive these benefits. Insurers offer anywhere from 25% to 100% of the death benefit as an early payment.

Terminal illness

If you are diagnosed with an illness where death is expected in less than 24 months.

Chronic illness

If you are not able to perform 2 of the 6 daily functions of living.  Which are bathing, continence, dressing, eating, toileting or transferring.

Critical illness

If you are diagnosed with a non-terminal illness, if it qualifies, it will be rated by it’s level of severity.

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